Possible solution applying monitor update 2.02.13 - the SOCs of the two monitors have now tracked each other in sync. After applying the update to bot...
Daytime picture when monitor screen is off. Compare with the 6 months old monitor screen. IMG_3640.jpeg
@philtao Just performed this update on our two monitors and several things happened when the monitors restarted: Low impact: Time zone reset to Pa...
At some point I will swap the two TAO shunts and see if that makes any difference. We are living aboard full time and taking the system down for any p...
A visual and tactile check of all the connections while under moderate load doesn’t show any warm spots nor dirty connections. I still don’t underst...
@francois_tao Thanks for the analysis, though it doesn't align with what I see whenever I look at the monitors (of course, the displays are moments in...
@francois_tao Measures export for old battery BMS_summary_2024_202401221905.csv
@francois_tao Measures export file for new battery BMS_summary_2024_202401221905-2.csv
@francois_tao The only thing I haven't done is the 'zero current offset' for the new battery. Do I do this for both batteries, or just for the new bat...
I've run the "Reset calculated battery capacity" on the second (new) battery and it shows 700Ah correctly. However, the SOCs still diverge. For exampl...
We initially installed one 4S 700Ah 12V battery. About 4 months ago we installed a second 4S 700Ah 12V battery and put it in parallel with the existin...
I think @francois_tao must have mistyped “SOC” with an “H” rather than a “C” as I don’t understand what cell resistance has to do with charge manageme...
It's been about a month since we installed the second battery and commissioned it. It now has a total of 5.9 cycles and the latest cell resistance upd...
Quote from philtao on 28/10/2023, 3:42 am Under "configuration" -> "BMS adjustments" have you run the option to "Reset calculated battery capacit...