Foxy Kitty
Estimable Member
Inscription: Mai 10, 2021
Last seen: Oct 30, 2024
Sujets: 25 / Réponse: 82
RE: Initial cell balancing

  Quote from philtao on 12/02/2022, 12:03 pm Lithium batteries are not like lead-acid batteries. The cell voltage varies very little betwee...

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RE: CAN bus parameters sent to Cerbo do not update after disabled charge enabled

Of course, it hasn't happened since I posted. Next time it happens I'll capture the information requested. So, obviously not taking place at every ins...

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RE: CAN voltage limits

Hmmm, I only set the A parameter to 0.00A and leave the V parameter at 13.8V if I want our Cerbo to stop charging. Should I also set the V parameter t...

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RE: Foxy Kitty - 12V - 700Ah - 2x Alt + Balmar Reg / 3x Victron MPPT / Superwind 350 + Reg / Victron Quattro

All new photos Battery and main wiring compartment. It's pretty tight but that's the price you pay with an older performance-oriented cat - there's ...

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RE: Foxy Kitty - 12V - 700Ah - 2x Alt + Balmar Reg / 3x Victron MPPT / Superwind 350 + Reg / Victron Quattro

Quote from Skokie on 30/11/2022, 7:59 pm Hi Tom, great description and share of experience. 👍 I am very interested in the use of the VE.configur...

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RE: Foxy Kitty - 12V - 700Ah - 2x Alt + Balmar Reg / 3x Victron MPPT / Superwind 350 + Reg / Victron Quattro

I've completed all the changes to prepare for a future 700Ah battery in parallel with the existing battery. This involved: Decommissioning Turn...

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RE: Foxy Kitty - 12V - 700Ah - 2x Alt + Balmar Reg / 3x Victron MPPT / Superwind 350 + Reg / Victron Quattro

Quote from Henk Steyn on 30/11/2022, 10:57 pm Quote from Foxy Kitty on 30/11/2022, 7:03 pm Quote from Henk Steyn on 26/11/2022, 10:42 pm Hi ...

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RE: Foxy Kitty - 12V - 700Ah - 2x Alt + Balmar Reg / 3x Victron MPPT / Superwind 350 + Reg / Victron Quattro

Quote from Henk Steyn on 26/11/2022, 10:42 pm Hi Foxy Kitty, I am curios how do you control charge and discharge relays when you are connected to sh...

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RE: Foxy Kitty - 12V - 700Ah - 2x Alt + Balmar Reg / 3x Victron MPPT / Superwind 350 + Reg / Victron Quattro

Yes, for almost the same price that I bought the two new 250/60 MPPT controllers.

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RE: What is pre-charge and how it works...

Quote from philtao on 10/10/2022, 6:45 pm Yes, a heat sink is required for this type of resistor. This is more the kind of resistor you want: o...

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RE: What is pre-charge and how it works...

Quote from philtao on 02/02/2022, 7:54 am That will work for a 12 volt installation (actually about 13.2 volt). Pre-charge current will be: 13.2 v...

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RE: What is pre-charge and how it works...

Quote from philtao on 10/10/2022, 9:17 am The precharge delay only takes place when outputs are activated. As you suggest, you need to change the w...

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RE: White Hawk - 12V - 920Ah - Alternators with Balmar MC614 regulators, Blue Sky MPPT Solar

Quote from John Flynn on 07/10/2022, 11:50 pm Hi Tom, Great idea and a very helpful suggestion. We have alternators with regulators on a single ...

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RE: What is pre-charge and how it works...

Quote from philtao on 08/10/2022, 3:42 pm Hi Tom, A 5000 watt inverter must have quite large input capacitors that will generate significant inrus...

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