Inscription: Avr 27, 2020
Last seen: Nov 18, 2024
Sujets: 25 / Réponse: 332
RE: Winston Cell Replacement / Benefits of new Tao BMS with the old one

If that is OK with you, can you connect your TAO monitor to a Wifi with Internet access and send me by email your BMS ID (seen on the diagnostics scre...

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RE: TaoBMS > CerboGX > SeatalkNG connectivity

So if I understand you want to connect 3 devices on the CAN bus: TAO Monitor (no connector) Axiom MFD (RJ45 connector) Radar (connector???) I...

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RE: New features suggestions for the TAO EMS 🙂

Suggestion recorded for next hardware version of the Monitor

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RE: LifePo charged by alternator

Hi All, I have Balmar alternators and regulators... although they are not CAN bus enabled my experience might be useful for your reflexion: Curren...

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RE: Xantrex Freedom 3024 Inverter Charger- Canbus Control

Hi John, I do not have experience with Xantrex products but is seems that some of them have CAN bus connectivity. The Freedom EX 4000 Inverter/Cha...

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RE: TaoBMS > CerboGX > SeatalkNG connectivity

Hi @andreshs1, Multiple devices can be connected to the CAN bus backbone like a daisy chain as long as you have a termination resistor at each extre...

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RE: Alarm Settings- Balancing

Hi John, I am back on the boat and checked the firmware for possible causes. I doubt that the error has anything to do with current measure. Are ...

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RE: Chargers remain off even though monitor enabled charging and BMS parameters show charging enabled

Hi Tom, So I understand that after a CCM start charge event the Victron equipment did not start charging even though the charge limits set by the BM...

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RE: BMS and Monitor firmware updates

29/08/2023: Monitor firmware version 2.02.12 Bug fix: When changing charge profile the new values did not always reflect in the BMS parameters

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RE: BMS and Monitor firmware updates

17/07/2023: Monitor firmware version 2.02.11 Bug fix: when changing charge profile the CANbus charge limits messages did not always reflect the ne...

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RE: Odd behavior with Charge management profile

Hi Andres, I found and fixed the bug. New Monitor firmware version is 2.02.12 I tested here a few times and could not make the problem appear agai...

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RE: Odd behavior with Charge management profile

Hi Andres, I was able to reproduce what you have observed. I will look into it today. for now you should set the low and high SOC in the BMS para...

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RE: Odd behavior with Charge management profile

The values that are used are the ones stored in the BMS parameters and changing values directly on the BMS parameters will not update the Monitor. ...

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RE: Odd behavior with Charge management profile

Hi @andeshs1, That does look strange. Canyou post a screen shot for the charge profiles definition (from the browser application) to see the value...

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RE: Winston cells internal resistivity

After 6 years the resistance of my Winston 300Ah cells has not changed much. Cell 4 is the cell being balanced most of the time - maybe something...

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