VivaTech 2024

TAO Performance presents its Energy Management System (EMS) at VivaTech 2024

From May 22 to 25, TAO Performance was present at the VivaTech trade show at Paris Porte de Versailles. Following this exceptional adventure, we’d like to share a brief retrospective with you.

The show in a few figures :

VivaTech is Europe’s biggest trade show for tech and startups.

  • 4 days of trade show
  • 165,000 visitors from 120 countries
  • 13,500 start-ups
  • 350 exhibitors
  • 400 speakers
  • 2,000 investors

Suffice to say, it wasn’t all plain sailing!

Salon VivaTech 2024

A place for innovation and tech:

As you certainly know, we’re about to launch our new solution, the TAO EMS (Energy Management System). A trade show like this is therefore the perfect opportunity to preview this equipment, to raise its profile and gain visibility.

Beyond that, VivaTech is also “The place to be” for keeping up to date with what’s happening in innovation and tech on a global scale. It’s an opportunity to meet the companies developing tomorrow’s solutions in a wide variety of fields.


To see the full video, click here : YouTube channel “Salut Les Noobs”

GreenTech at the heart of the show:

Francois Jeanmaire - CEO TAO Performance

TAO Performance was perfectly in tune with the show’s theme. Our demonstration bench quickly captured visitors’ attention with its bright LEDs. It attracted many curious visitors, and the conversations that followed were enriching, enabling us to share our vision while capitalizing on visitor feedback.

We had the opportunity to meet many professionals from startups, SMEs and major groups, as well as elected representatives and investors. It was also an opportunity to talk to a large number of private individuals who are sensitive to energy and environmental issues.

All were very interested in the control and optimization capabilities offered by TAO EMS, and many were already planning to implement our solution.

What VivaTech brought us :

  • More than 800 pitches for our solution
  • 12 investors interested in the project
  • 10 key accounts met and considering the use of TAO EMS
  • 100 qualified contacts

Upcoming events where we will be present:

Come and meet us to discuss and discover our latest innovations. See you soon!

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