Local and cloud dashboards

Local and cloud dashboards

Connect the EMS monitor to a wifi network and simply use a web browser to view your battery usage and status. This information is also available on the cloud if the EMS monitor is linked to a wifi network with an Internet connection.



All data recorded by the EMS and the monitor may be displayed as graphs, gauges, tables, or statistics.


Measurement history and event logs are retained for the life of your battery, and you can analyze the information over any time range you desire. You can even zoom in on any part of a graph.


In addition to the standard dashboard, you can create your own custom dashboards, save them, and share them with others. If you have a specific analysis need that could benefit others, let us know and we’ll create a dashboard for you to import.


The cloud dashboard is updated as soon as the EMS has access to the internet. It sends all data since the time of last connection to the cloud.


To access the cloud dashboard, select the “dashboard” option in the upper menu of the website.


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